25 August 2014

The 6 Month Mountain Reduction & Painting Challenge - Introduction and (Self-Imposed!) Rules...

I've recently been talking to Dave over at The Spider Web of History (check it out for historicals, zombies, post-apoc and more!) about our shared lack of focus on our current projects - the gamer's curse, flitting from one project to another, all the while purchasing more and more miniatures! I'm pretty sure wargaming turns you into a hoarder...

With this in mind, we decided to set ourselves a challenge, in order to start to deplete our plastic/lead mountains and get some of our already-purchased stuff completed! Here are our rules, beginning 1st September 2014...

1. No purchasing of new miniatures, EXCEPT if you use a joker card.  Like in a deck of cards, you get two jokers to use on a figure purchase during the six months of the challenge.  Could be a blister pack, an ebay bundle, or a single figure...you can't splurge. 

2.  Gifts do not count against you. Christmas and or birthdays etc. Also, if you're given gift cards by your hobby illiterate family or friends, you can without penalty use them on anything you want miniatures wise.  I luck out here, as I'll have Christmas and my birthday during this 6 Months.

3.  Paints, terrain (or materials), and other hobby supplies do not apply to the no purchasing rule.

4.  At least one hobby related blog post and/or Instagram update a week.  If you Instagram, be sure to hashtag your pic with #6MMRPC

5.  Zombtober will be part of the 6 month challenge so, Zombie related stuff during October is ENCOURAGED!

So, what do you think? Fancy taking up the challenge with us? I'm sure you have plenty of stuff to be on with at the moment in your own lead and plastic mountain - feel free to contact myself or Dave if you fancy partaking with us!


  1. Awesome. And glad you got an app that'll make it easier to type up updates! Guess I need to get an iPad hahaha

  2. Great idea! It is a necessity for all of us hoarders, er gamers...

  3. Go on then... (Handily, the baby's due in six months, so I may find it easier not to buy minis than everyone else taking part!)

    1. Pledge publicly announced Over on my blog


    2. Fantastic! I'm looking forward to this :)

    3. Heard about this through myincubliss's own post. (As he linked above)

      Seriously tempted to hop onboard - the wife at least would be chuffed monies-wise...

    4. It's certainly handy with Christmas coming up and such :)

  4. Tower of the Archmage is on board too, looks like the movement is picking up steam! Admittedly, I'm already feeling the urge to buy miniatures and we haven't even started yet, but there's nothing like a public forum for the failure of your willpower to keep you focused!

  5. I'll join this, it seems like a good idea to me. I'm sure I'll break at least one of the rules though!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Throwing my own hat in...http://the-randomencounters.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-6-month-mountain-reduction-painting.html

  8. I chimed in on IG, but now I'm officially in.

  9. Wow. This is really cool. I definitely need to get my lead mountain reduced a little (at least for my Flames of War models). Can I join you? My blog is http://rustandthecity.blogspot.ca/.

  10. This is a great idea. I will start on Saturday.

    Why Saturday, you ask?

    Because I already have plans to go with my friend on Friday to a game store that is having a sale, there to purchase some items. Plus it ensures that both my birthday and Christmas will fall in the window as well.

  11. I'm in! Any ideas for a blog roll of google+ group?


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey daveb! I'm a total newbie when it comes to google+, how would that work? Fancy leading it?

  12. Count me in, please?


  13. Bit late to the party but I'm willing to give this a shot on behalf of the Planet Ares VI crew.



  14. I'm a bit late as well, but saw this idea on Dai and Camrrons blogs and think its a great idea (I've been struggling a bit for motivation of late). Www.themadtinhatter.blogspot.com

    1. You're most welcome to join mate! I'll include you in the next post on the folks that have joined in the last few days :)

  15. I'd like to accept the challenge, I know I'm a week late but hopefully not too late, double post this week :)
    Warhammer 40k and home brews are what I'll be accepting with.

    1. Welcome aboard Horsewood! Looking forward to seeing more completed figures!

  16. I really want to do this but I need to drop about $200-$300 to finish up my Solar Empries core forces and I was hoping to work that in by the end of the year.

  17. I am late to the party, but count me in.

    1. You've been added to the blogroll at http://6mmrpc.blogspot.ca/
      There's a facebook group a bunch of us hang out at, but I can't remember the name right now...

  18. Okay, I'm late too. I was think this very thing myself the other day whilst tempted to buy. Noooo! I said. Finish the 10 kgs you've got already. Having said that, Birthday later this month, Christmas a month a way, and a few kickstarters due over the next 2-4 months. Who am I kidding!
    I won't however buy anything new...

    1. The kickstarters actually don't 'count' against the challenge. Between Black Friday and Christmas it does seem like this is the difficult crunch time though. You can always join us for the last 3 months though! Did you have a blog to add to the roll? Or maybe an invite on the facebook group?

  19. Mind if I borrow this idea for my Gaming group. Sounds like a wonderful idea.

  20. Mind if I borrow this idea for my Gaming group. Sounds like a wonderful idea.

    1. You just missed the second run of this. Join the facebook group Conquering the lead mountain (https://www.facebook.com/groups/ConqueringTheLeadMountain/) and you'll see the next time it fires up (it's gone quite quiet lately).

      There's also a blogroll with most of the participants blogs listed. http://6mmrpc.blogspot.ca/
