08 October 2013

Zomtober - Week 1 - Zombie Film Homage...

Another idea that struck me whilst painting the latest bunch of zombies - why not throw in a little film homage? This gent is a homage to one of my favourite recent films - 
Really loved this film - it's a quiet, slow-burn action/thriller, not what I was expecting in the slightest. I love the soundtrack too - it was on in the background whilst I was painting, so I decided to paint one of the zombies in the clothing of the main character, played by Ryan Gosling.
It may be slightly difficult to make out, but this is the design on the back of the jacket - the zombie also got driving gloves, dark jeans and a stomach wound...


  1. Cool idea. What will be next as inspiration?

    1. Not sure really! I'll have to take a look at the unpainted zombies to see if inspiration strikes for week 3!

  2. What an ace idea. Makes them all individual. Plus you can play the game 'Shoot the Celeb' they played in the Dawn of the Dead remake.

    1. That sniping game was definitely in my head whilst painting this guy!

  3. Great idea, just like your jail inmates! Awesome work on this figure as well as the inmates!
