13 October 2013

Zomtober - Week 2 - Feral Ghouls

These Fallout 3-inspired feral ghouls were painted over a couple days earlier in the week - they're the Mantic Games plastic zombies based up on GW round bases (always my favourite, as I can weight the bottom of them with pennies, essential with plastic miniatures in my opinion!). I managed to buy around 30 of these off one of my mates (30 Mantic, plus 20 or so Westwind Soviet zombies for £10 posted - bargain!). The ones left over will become rage zombies for my normal zombie apocalypse, whilst these are painted up for my post-apocalypse setting.
In the Fallout universe, ghouls are for the most part zombies. They're caused by nuclear radiation burning out the higher brain functions, sort of preserving the human body as a walking (and in some cases talking) undead creature. These miniatures have always reminded me of them - to be honest, they've always struck me as being a bit too animated to be your traditional shambler zombie - they look like they're running forward to take a bite out of your brain!
Whilst painting these I was trying to stick as close as possible to the look of the ghouls from the game - their skin is almost a leather/completely sunburn effect - in the joints and creases of their leathery skin they're very red. I spray-basecoated these light brown, then gave them a light coat of red. I then drybrushed them in various flesh tones, followed by a dark tone wash. I did one final highlight and then created a Tamiya Clear Red wash for the creases in their skin, in the joins and the like, followed by the various details (bones, teeth, eyes). The details then got another wash and after basing them a few got some blood. Whilst painting them I selected a few for darker skin tones to mix it up a bit. Hope you guys like them!


  1. Nice one with the good ol'mantic zeds :D

  2. I'm a huge Fallout fan, and I have to say these do look the business for feral ghouls, nice work!

    You realise you have to tackle a glowing one next...

    1. I did think that Matt! I may have to chop up some of the ones I'd earmarked for the zomb-apoc...

  3. I think that is a bargain price. These look good and I keep meaning to load fallout 3 onto the PC but I never seem to get round to it. Maybe this will tip the balance for me.

    1. Definitely go for it! It's a brilliant game and the setting is fantastic!

  4. Nice. I've never got around to gettign any of the Mantic figures and I really must. Perfect for Fallout Ghouls!

    1. These are my first Mantic figures - I really enjoyed painting them, they hold up very well to the GW sets.

  5. Wonderfully grotesque, love the skin colour.
