03 February 2011

No Time

Well, it truly has been a slow start to the year, miniatures-wise!

As the post the other day said, I've moved fine and the apartment is just about sorted. All we really need is to get a decent internet package and a bigger television and it'll be fantastic. As it stands, we have a rather small 16inch TV, which really isn't great. Especially when I'm used to playing games on a projector!

So what have I been doing for the past week?
This was the speed dial of the phone on the desk I was working on last night at work.  Amused me greatly!

That's about it really.

I started some new hours as of February 1st, so I'm generally a bit too tired to do anything when I get in, or busy on my days off, so I haven't had much time to myself as of late. I was looking forward to having Sunday off and maybes getting some paint on some Dark Eldar, only to be informed that there is a family christening to attend - that should be fun anyway, but there's a good chance I'd rather be sat in my underpants watching cartoons and painting little toy soldiers.

I suppose there's always next weekend...

1 comment:

  1. ....I'd rather be sat in my underpants watching cartoons and painting little toy soldiers.

    Same here.LOL
