This is "Fallout Girl" from the RAFM USX Modern Day Heroes line (the same as "Scourge", the not-Army of Two miniature earlier in the blog).

Quite a nice and detailed miniature, but somehow "lacking"...
The casting is quite nice, but unfortunately, due to the slightness of the figure, what moldlines are there are rather difficult to remove. I'd cleaned the mini up, spray undercoated and basecoated it before realising there were a bunch of moldlines on the legs I'd missed.
"Fallout Girl" and "Wolfman" (Copplestone Castings) are going to become a team, both being refugee-adventurers from the same Vault (21). I'm quite happy with the way they've turned out - both are rather characterful and I like that their Vault-suits are just about barely remaining...
Name suggestions on a postcard please...
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