Got this lady finished tonight...

I had thought I'd finished her paintjob a couple of evenings ago, but when it came to taking pictures tonight I saw a few bits to sort out. I'm still not very happy with the miniature as a whole, but she'll do. She was bought in a couple of pulp job lots on eBay a few months back (with money that I shouldn't have been spending on always!) - I doubt I'd have bought her otherwise. The sculpt is just fairly bad, the head was huge in proportion to the rest of the miniature, one arm is rather longer than the other. I was lucky to have a spare head that worked well enough! Enough complaining... She's obviously for Weird WWII or Pulp games, both genres I love but struggle to find opponents for...
This guy also arrived in the post - Heresy Miniatures new sniper ganger. He's going to be an Inquisitorial agent in 28mm Inquisitor games, possibly a Vindicare if I ever use the Daemonhunters rules in 40k or a ganger in games in my post-apoc wasteland or Necromunda. I spray undercoated him black then gave him a basecoat of Khemri Brown, I'm not sure where to go now...

Comments and criticism are most welcome, I love to hear what people think about my stuff and it's usually a bit of a kick up the backside to make me paint more :)
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