06 May 2012

Shantytown Walkways

Just a little "proof of concept" - I picked up some I-beam plasticard and some balsa wood at the local craft/hobby shop on Friday and knocked this together quickly. The idea will be to put a good few of these together, to link up various rooftops in the shantytown. Thoughts? I'll embellish them with graffiti and bulletholes - should add nicely to the "Necromunda in the post-apoc alien desert" feel that I'm aiming for in my games... 


  1. Looks pretty good. Maybe some that have bigger areas missing from them.

  2. Should work well. Look at that shanty town chase scene in the second (decent) recent hulk movie. I'm pretty sure there were some makeshift bridges in those scenes.

  3. The more walkways the better in Necromunda, looking good!

  4. Like the looks of this man, looking forward to seeing it painted!

  5. Cheers gents!

    LL - I just re-watched it, I took some notes!

    Mik - That's always been my opinion too!
