24 June 2011

What I've been upto: Real Life Strikes!

I've been rather busy over the past few weeks with the job-hunt - various appointments, preparation sessions and interviews, be they telephone or face-to-face, have left me with zero energy for blogging! I have actually managed to do a decent amount of painting with a nice chunk removed from the "undercoated and ready to paint" pile, which I'm going be posting up over the next week.

On the job front, I have actually been successful! Pending various admin bits and pieces, I should be starting training in the next couple of weeks for a customer service job on mortgages and loans for a well known bank. I literally couldn't be happier about this! Well, other than if it was a interesting job in a museum or somesuch...

So, basically, keep checking back for some interesting and more substantial updates!


  1. Congrats for the job!! I know all too well what not having one does to the morale...

  2. well done mate I wish you all the best with your job

  3. Cheers guys! I'm hoping I'll have another few days to paint before I have to start but I'm certainly looking forward to it :)
